Use of restriction endonucleases for mapping the allele for beta s-globin.

The direct analysis of the [human] allele from .beta.S-globin by using restriction endonuclease Dde I coupled with blot-hybridization analysis is reported. A major use of the analysis for the prenatal diagnosis of sickle cell anemia was predicted. Here such an analysis is presented. This report also described the use of a new enzyme Mst II, which also can distinguish the .beta.S allele from the normal .beta.-globin allele. Blot-hybridization analysis with restriction endonuclease Mst II shows the 5'' end of the normal .beta.-globin gene to reside on a fragment of .apprxeq. 1.14 kilobases, whereas the 5'' end of the .beta.S-globin gene resides on a fragment of .apprxeq. 1.34 kilobases. Because the fragment sizes generated by Mst II are significantly larger than those generated by Dde I, one can easily perform a prenatal diagnosis for sickle cell by standard blot hybridizations onto nitrocellulose filters.