Fatal Encephalitis Due to Herpesvirus hominis: Use of Intact Brain Cells' for Isolation of Virus

A specimen of brain from a patient with fatal encephalitis was prepared for inoculation into tissue-culture monolayer systems by dispersal of cells with trypsin diluted in saline and by homogenization with mortar and pestle. In primary isolations and in reisolations from the original materials, Herpesvirus hominis (HVH) was recovered from 24 of 31 cell cultures inoculated with trypsindispersed brain cells and from none of 32 cultures inoculated with brain homogenate. Inoculation of tissue-culture systems with intact, infected cells appears to be a more sensitive method of recovering the agent from patients with HVH encephalitis than inoculation of homogenized tissue; thus this method should be evaluated further.