Some preliminary observations of the nephrotoxicity of the male antifertility drug (±)α-chlorohydrin

(±)α-Chlorohydrin (80 mg kg−1) given by mouth to group-housed adult male Sprague Dawley rats produced an increase in the weight of the kidneys which persisted for at least 7 days, but there were no deaths. This dose administered to Sprague Dawley rats caged singly killed 3 out of 8 animals. The toxicity was studied in more detail using Wistar rats caged singly in metabolic cages. 4 out of 9 animals died with oliguria and anuria after 120mg kg−1 (±)α-chorohydrin, 100 and 120 mg kg−1 (in the surviving animals), produced a loss in appetite and body weight, proteinuria, a dose-related diuresis and an increased water intake. Urinary glucose was dramatically elevated after 100 mg kg−1 but after 120 mg kg−1 the glucosuria was not as marked. By day 7 all parameters were returning to their pre-injection values. A dose of 80 mg kg−1 had no effect upon any of the parameters studied. The results are discussed in relation to the basic biochemical mechanism by which the drug exerts its antifertility action, which is achieved at much lower doses.