Evaluation of trophoblast invasion in placental bed biopsies of the baboon, with immunohistochemical localisation of cytokeratin, fibronectin, and laminin

Biopsies of placentas (n = 21), placental bed (n = 17) and decidua (n = 26) of various gestation periods (30 to 140 days) were used to study trophoblast invasion in the baboon. Application of immunohistochemical staining for cytokeratin allowed proper identification of trophoblast. Earlier reports showing restricted trophoblast invasion in this species were confirmed by the finding that endovascular trophoblast was present in only one third of biopsies containing spiral arteries. Moreover, immunostaining for cytokeratin revealed that in several arteries only a few isolated trophoblastic cells were present, while the vessel had not undergone the normal physiological change. Trophoblast invasion could only be detected within decidual, but not in myometrial, segments of spiral arteries. Interstitial trophoblast invasion was very limited and multinuclear giant cells were absent. Immunohistochemical staining suggested a contribution of laminin to the fibrinoid deposition within the physiologically changed spiral arteries, while fibronectin was present intracellularly in the invaded trophoblast. Because of differences in the trophoblast invasion pattern, the baboon cannot be regarded as a satisfactory experimental model to explore results of inadequate endovascular trophoblast invasion which, in the human, leads to pregnancy complications such a preeclampsia.