ACOSS Four (Active Control of Space Structures) Theory. Volume II. Appendix

This is the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., final technical report on its Actively Controlled Structures Theory Study. The objective of the research reported here was to develop the theoretical and analytical tools to support the successful implementation of active vibration control of large flexible spacecraft. Parallel efforts in theory and applications were initiated. For the theoretical effort, several representative design methods were selected for careful study focusing on an examination of the theoretical basis for each method and potential difficulties associated with their use in reduced-order large space structure controller design. The methods initially selected are characterized by constant-gain output feedback, the simplest form of active multivariable control; (1) Modal Decoupling, (2) Pole Assignment, (3) Optimal Output Feedback, (4) Suboptimal Output Feedback, and (5) Stochastic Optimal Output Feedback. A performance comparison of specific designs with these methods was made. Extensions to the published Kosut methods of suboptimal output feedback are developed, as well as the details of an algorithm necessary for a numerical solution. Techniques and conditions are developed for reduction of control (observation) spillover by placement of actuators (sensors), by synthesis of the actuator (sensor) influences, and by compensation of actuators (sensors).

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