High Energy Field Theory in Truncated Anti–de Sitter Space

In this Letter we show that in five-dimensional anti–de Sitter (AdS) space truncated by boundary branes, effective field theory techniques are reliable at high energy (much higher than the scale suggested by the Kaluza-Klein mass gap), provided one computes suitable observables. We argue that in the model of Randall and Sundrum for generating the weak scale from the AdS warp factor, the high energy behavior of gauge fields can be calculated in a cutoff independent manner, provided one restricts Green’s functions to external points on the Planck brane. Using the AdS/CFT (conformal field theory) correspondence, we calculate the one-loop correction to the Planck brane gauge propagator due to charged bulk fields. These effects give rise to nonuniversal logarithmic energy dependence for a range of scales above the Kaluza-Klein gap.

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