Effectiveness of Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation in Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia after Previous Retrogasserian Rhizotomy

Between 1974 and 1984, 428 trigeminal neuralgia cases were treated by controlled radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFTC). 29 had recurrent trigeminal neuralgia after intracranial surgery. 26 of the 29 patients were treated by retrogasserian rhizotomy and 3 by posterior fossa exploration. Among the 26 recurrent trigeminal neuralgia following retrogasserian rhizotomy, RFTC was effective in 23 cases (88.5%), and in 3 cases (11.5%) RFTC was effective for a short period. Repeated RFTC was unable to control the pain attacks which were later relieved by posterior fossa exploration and root section. Of the 3 recurrent trigeminal neuralgia following posterior fossa exploration, RFTC was effective in 2 cases (66.6%).

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