Neural mediation of estrogen-dependent courtship behavior in female ring doves.

The role played by the preoptic-hypothalamic region in the mediation of female ring dove courtship behavior was examined. Ovariectomized doves were tested in response to estradiol benzoate (EB) injections both before and after preoptic (POA) region, posterior medial hypothalamus (PMH) or sham lesions. Only the PMH group''s behavior significantly declined following lesions. Another study examined whether intracranial EB implants would be effective in stimulating courtship behavior in ovariectomized doves. Unilateral 27- or 30-ga. [gauge] EB implants were placed throughout the hypothalamic region, including rostral to the anterior preoptic and caudal to the PMH. Implants in the PMH were most effective in stimulating behavior. The importance of the PMH in mediation of estrogen-dependent courtship behavior was emphasized. The role of the ventromedial hypothalamus in mammalian female sexual behavior was discussed.