Results of a search for thehc(P11)state of charmonium in theηcγandJ/ψπ0decay modes

We report evidence for the hc state of charmonium in its ηcγ decay mode and lack of evidence in the J/ψπ0 mode. We studied these channels in p¯p annihilations near the center of gravity of the PJ3 states, where the hc was reported in the J/ψπ0 mode by E760, our previous experiment, at 3526.2±0.15±0.2MeV, with ΓR1MeV. We observe an event excess in the ηcγ mode near 3526 MeV. Testing the null hypothesis of a linearly varying background cross section against the alternate hypothesis that includes a resonance near 3526 MeV, we reject the null hypothesis with P0.001. The resonance mass is 3525.8±0.2±0.2MeV and the resonance width 1MeV. We estimate 10.0±3.5<Γp¯pBηcγ<12.0±4.5eV, corresponding to fixed values 0.5<ΓR<1.0MeV. We find no event excess within the search region in the J/ψπ0 mode.

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