N-Phenyl-2-furylacrylohydroxamic acid and its nine analogues in conjuction with eight different chromogening agents were explored for the selective extraction and sensitive determination of germanium (IV). The combination of N-p-bromophenyl-2-furylacrylohydroxamic acid (BFHA) and phenylfluorone was found to be the most sensitive and selective. Germanium was extracted with BFHA into chloroform and phenylfluorone complex was measured spectrophotometrically at its absorption maxima of 500nm (ε= 1.3 × 105 mol−1 cm−1). For the atomic absorption spectrometric (AAS) determination, germanium was extracted with BFHA into methylisobutyl ketone and measured directly at 265.1 nm using nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. Both the instrumental methods were successfully applied to the determination of germanium in soils, biological materials, and natural waters.