In the background of the failure of the simple crystal field theory to explain the spin-orbit splitting and the Zeeman effect of the ground (T1g4) and the excited (T2g4) levels of MgO:Co2+, the dynamical Jahn-Teller effects—or, in other words, the vibronic interactions—are shown to explain consistently and satisfactorily all the experimental observables. The theory is worked out in the approximation of the cluster model. Because of the difference in the relative imporance of the Jahn-Teller energy (EJT) and the spin-orbit coupling strength for the two levels, a numerical solution of the problem is necessary for T1g4, and for T2g4 one can use Ham's theory directly. Besides showing the importance of the vibronic interactions, this analysis brings out two features: First, the effective frequency (ωE) of the Eg mode of vibration of the cluster interacting with the electron orbital is same for the ground and the excited states; second, the effect due to covalency is less important than assumed earlier. The analysis is extended to compare the results on KMgF3:Co2+. Conclusions that are arrived at regarding the values of ωE and EJT and covalency effects are physically justified for MgO as well as for KMgF3.