1. Simultaneous recording from several pairs of electrodes placed along the ganglion and certain efferent nerves, during stimulation of other efferents, allows the course of antidromic impulses in each stimulated axon to be mapped. 2. These impulses disappear as they approach their somata, being incapable of invading them, a fact which permits identification of a particular efferent axon with a particular soma. 3. By these means the courses of all such efferent axons, and their corresponding somata, have been determined. These all belong to the five large cells. 4. The impulses from each such axon occurring during the spontaneous burst can be identified, as can impulses from each small cell. 5. Each large-cell axon appears to be inexcitable until it is a few mm from the soma. 6. If the axon branches within this inexcitable region, the branches tend to fire impulses independently. 7. The technique of cell identification opens the way to a more complete analysis of the ganglion's activity and the synaptic interactions which produce it.