Changes in Free Amino Acids of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Plasma in Various Neurological Diseases

By liquid chromatography free amino acids in CSF (161 subjects) and in plasma (138 subjects) in various neurological diseases and in controls was investigated. A general increase in CSF amino acids was found in Group C (samples exhibiting both pleocytosis and increasing CSF protein concentration) and in spinal canal block and neuro-Behcet''s syndrome. Also, some abnormalities were detected in these groups with regard to changes in CSF cells, protein or Ig[immunoglobulin]G%. In the case of Guillain-Barre syndrome an increase in CSF alanine, glycine, methionine, arginine and the branched-chain group was noted. In multiple sclerosis an increase was evident in CSF alanine, in plasma alanine and arginine, and in the plasma: CSF ratio of tyrosine. In patients of motor neuron diseases (MND) CSF glutamic acid, alanine, histidine and arginine all indicated an increase, along with the plasma: CSF ratio of tyrosine. In Group C and in neuro-Behcet''s syndrome glycine, methionine and lysine were lowered in the plasma: CSF ratio. Also, the ratio of valine in the former and histidine in the latter indicated a decrease. These results may reflect either biochemical abnormalities of plasma and/or the CNS, or changes in the transport systems of the blood-brain barrier.