Telomerase activity in human breast cancer and benign breast lesions: Diagnostic applications in clinical specimens, including fine needle aspirates

We analysed telomerase activity in normal, benign and malignant breast tissues and in fine needle aspirates by a PCR-based assay. The tissue samples we used in this assay consisted of 20 cryostat sections, 10 μm thick, from each breast biopsy. This method was used to obtain effective extraction from small samples and to confirm the histological identity of the specimen by microscopical examination of serial sections. Fifty-two of 71 breast carcinomas were positive for telomerase activity, and the intensity of this was strong in most cases, whereas all 6 samples of normal breast tissue and 17 of fibrocystic disease were negative and only 1 of 15 fibroadenomas was positive. Invasive ductal carcinomas were more frequently positive than invasive lobular carcinomas. There was no correlation of telomerase activity with tumour size or the occurrence of lymph node metastasis. Evaluation of our assay system showed that a signal of telomerase activity was detectable in extracts from single cryostat sections (> 1 mm2) of a cancer specimen and from as few as 4 cells of a human breast cancer cell line. On the basis of the above data, we applied this assay to fine needle aspirates of breast lesions. Ten of 15 aspirates which had been cytopathologically diagnosed as cancer were strongly positive, while 26 of 29 benign aspirates were totally negative and the remaining 3 showed only borderline activity. In 3 cases, the telomerase result could have helped establish a diagnosis when the cytological observations were inconclusive. Our results indicate that this sensitive assay could become a useful new modality for supplementing microscopic cytopathology in the detection of cancer cells in small tissue biopsies and fine needle aspirates. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.