Nuclear Structure Effects in the γ Decay of Isobaric Analog States in Mg24, Al27, and Si28

The Na23(d, n), the Mg26(d, n), and the Al27(d, n) reactions were used to populate isobaric analog states. Their γ decays were measured with a Ge(Li) detector (i) in coincidence with the neutron groups, (ii) in singles arrangements using a bare detector, and (iii) in a three-crystal configuration. The observed branching ratios were compared to the approximate selection rules operating in the rotational and the Hartree-Fock model. It is found that the 4.23-MeV state in Mg24 has a wave function with admixtures of angular momentum projection K=0 and K=2. This fact supports the model proposed by Kelson et al. which gives an ellipsoidally symmetric deformation to Mg24. The observed transitions in Si28 indicate that the analog of the ground-state doublet in Al28 has an oblate deformation.