Integrated epidethiological system for acute viral hepatitis in Italy (SEIEVA): Description and preliminary results

An integrated epidemiological system for the surveillance of acute viral hepatitis SEIEVA which linked notifications to available serology results and used a standard risk factor questionnaire is described. Results of over 1300 cases reported by 35 participating local health units (USL's) during the first 18 months of the programme are presented. Overall the annual reported incidence of acute viral hepatitis was 70 per 100,000. There were marked regional and age specific differences m the incidence of each type of viral hepatitis. The annual incidence per 100,000 of hepatitis A in southern children was 133 while in northern young adults the incidence of hepatitis B was 88 and hepatitis non-A non-B was 43. The possible roles of shellfish consumption in the transmission of non-A non-B hepatitis at all ages were highlighted.