Site magnetization of cubic and hexagonal HoMn2

Magnetic neutron diffraction profile refinement methods have been used to determine the Ho and Mn site magnetizations in both the cubic C15 and hexagonal C14 Laves phases of HoMn2. The results are correlated with measurements of the temperature dependence of the bulk magnetization, which gave a Tc for both phases of 26 K and overall saturation magnetizations of 6.4μB for the cubic phase and 6.7μB for the hexagonal phase, as extrapolated from field data up to 20 kOe at 4 K. Individual sublattice moments obtained by profile refinement were, for the cubic phase, a Ho moment of 8.1μB, reduced from the free ion value of 10μB by crystal field effects, and a Mn moment of 0.84μB coupled antiferromagnetically, giving an overall magnetization in agreement with the magnetometer results. In the hexagonal phase, the Ho moment was 9.4μB and the two Mn moments were −0.64μB and −1.03μB. The overall magnetization of 7.5μB was higher than that found from the magnetization studies, which were affected by the large uniaxial anisotropy on the Ho site.