1. The Protozoa from the hindgut of the wood-feeding roachesPanesthia javanicaandP. spadicaare described.2. These Protozoa are to be regarded as commensals.3. They belong to three subphyla of the phylum Protozoa.4. Two are flagellates,Monocercomonoides panesthiaesp.nov. andHexamita cryptocerciCleveland.5. Two species ofEndamoebaare described,E. philippinensissp.nov. andE. javanicasp.nov., the former small and a bacteria feeder, the latter large and xylophagous.6. An unidentified amoeba was observed in one roach.7.Nyctotherus uichancoisp.nov. was found in the majority ofPanesthia javanicaand infrequently inP. spadica.8. Nine species of heterotrichous ciliates (Clevelandiagen.nov. andParaclevelandiagen.nov.) make up the family Clevelandiidae fam.nov.9. This family is characterized by the posterior position of the mouth which may occur at the end of a projection, varying in length. It is closely related to the family Plagiotomidae, to whichNyctotherusbelongs.10. A well-integrated neuromotor system is described in the family Clevelandiidae, being practically identical in all members.11. The relationships ofPanesthia, Cryptocercus, the domestic cockroaches, and the termites are discussed on the basis of their protozoan faunas.