First Place—Resident Clinical Science Award 1997: Germline screening of the NF‐2 gene in families with unilateral vestibular schwannoma

Vestibular schwannoma may present clinically in two forms: sporadic unilateral or hereditary bilateral. Familial transmission of vestibular schwannoma is known to occur only in neurofibromatosis type II (NF-2). We have previously described the clinical characteristics of unilateral vestibular schwannoma presenting in families, in the absence of ther criteria necessary for the diagnosis of NF-2. Polymerase chain reaction–single strand chain polymorphism was used to screen for germline NF-2 gene mutations in six families with unilateral vestibular schwannoma. Direct sequencing of DNA from blood was done in affected subjects from three families. No germline mutations were identified. Because NF-2 gene mutations are detected in only 33% of patients with NF-2, hereditary transmission of mutations cannot be entirely excluded. However, in the absence of germline mutations in the NF-2 gene, familial occurrence of unilateral vestibular schwannoma more likely represents either a chance somatic NF-2 gene mutation or originates from a separate genetic loci. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1998;119:1–6.)