Self-organized network-layer security in mobile ad hoc networks

Protecting the network layer in a mobile ad hoc network is an important research topic in wireless security. This paper describes our unified network-layer security solution in ad hoc networks, which protects both routing and packet forwarding functionalities in the context of the AODV protocol. To address the unique characteristics of ad hoc networks, we take a self-organized approach by exploiting full localized design, without assuming any a priori trust or secret association between nodes. In our design, each node has a token in order to participate in the network operations, and its local neighbors collaboratively monitor it to detect any misbehavior in routing or packet forwarding services. Upon expiration of the token, each node renews its token via its multiple neighbors. The period of the validity of a node's token is dependent on how long it has stayed and behaved well in the network. A well-behaving node accumulates its credit and renews its token less and less frequently as time evolves. In essence, our security solution exploits collaboration among local nodes to protect the network layer without completely trusting any individual node.

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