Indications for and Timing of Removal of Non-Functioning Kidney Transplant

The clinical indications for and the timing of removal of non-functioning cadaver kidney transplants were studied in 49 of 58 kidneys which had never functioned or which ceased to function in the period 1979-1982. The reason for graftectomy was rejection in 32 cases, rejection and graft infection in eight, surgical complications in eight cases and infection in one case. Nine of the 58 failed kidney grafts were not removed. Graftectomy was performed within a week after diagnosis of graft failure in 24 of the 49 cases. The clinical indications for graftectomy were compared with the morphologic observations in the grafts. Discrepancy was greatest in regard to diagnosis of rejection and primary renal artery thrombosis. Severe complications related to graft failure aggravated the condition in 17 patients and resulted in eight deaths. Based on the findings, a management schedule is proposed. It facilitates postponement or avoidance of graftectomy and minimizes the risk of complications relating to failure of graft function