NMR relaxation and ESR spin probe studies of some surfactant micelles

Multi‐frequency relaxation studies combined with the ‘two‐step’ and ‘three‐step’ models for molecular motion have been applied to a range of anionic surfactant molecules. From the internal dynamic parameters (τf and S) conclusions have been drawn about the dependence of surfactant molecular dynamics inside micelles on molecular structure, and two unusual conformations have been identified. Slow correlation time (τs) data have also been obtained for these compounds. Three deuteriated surfactant molecules were subjected to the ‘three‐step’ model and data are presented showing how the dimensions of the non‐spherical micelles vary with temperature. An ESR spin probe study has been carried out on the compounds giving probe rotational correlation times at various temperatures. Information on alkyl chain packing at or near the water/micelle interface can be obtained from the derived thermodynamic parameters.