Ample Vector Bundles on Curves

In our earlier paper [4] we developed the basic sheaftheoretic and cohomological properties of ample vector bundles. These generalize the corresponding well-known results for ample line bundles. The numerical properties of ample vector bundles are still poorly understood. For line bundles, Nakai’s criterion characterizes ampleness by the positivity of certain intersection numbers of the associated divisor with subvarieties of the ambient variety. For vector bundles, one would like to characterize ampleness by the numerical positivity of the Chern classes of the bundle (and perhaps of its restrictions to subvarieties and their quotients). Such a result, like the Riemann-Roch theorem, giving an equivalence between cohomological and numerical properties of a vector bundle, may be quite subtle. Some progress has been made by Gieseker [2], by Kleiman [8], and in the analytic case, by Griffiths [3].

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