Soft x-ray absorption and emission spectra and the electronic structure of the Ba_{2}YCu_{3}O_{7-x} superconductor

We present e-beam-excited soft-x-ray emission spectra and total-photoelectron-yield spectra in the 20600 eV photon energy range for Ba2 YCu3 O7x. In soft x-ray emission, the N4,5 structure of Ba, the M4,5 spectrum of Y, and the K spectrum of O provide a direct measure of the p-type partial density of states (p-PDOS) localized on the respective atomic sites. In each case the p-PDOS is very small at the Fermi energy ɛF. The maximum in the O K spectrum is 2.6±0.5 eV below ɛF. This result provides direct confirmation that the shoulder previously found at ɛF-2.3 eV in photoelectron emission spectra is associated with O p orbitals. No changes are observed between spectra taken above and below Tc. .AE