Summary: Concentrations of dialysable silica in equilibrium with Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O sols at pH 4.5–5.0 confirm the formation of a poorly ordered non‐dialysable proto‐imogolite species with an Al : Si ratio near 2, close to that of imogolite. Sols with Al : Si>2 give nearly constant levels of free silica in solution in the range 2–6 μg/cm3, indicating equilibrium between proto‐imogolite and aluminium hydroxide species. These findings indicate that imogolite‐like precipitates in acid soils will buffer silica in solution to within this range during leaching episodes. Imogolite is more stable than a previous estimate suggested, and a revised value for its free energy of formation is proposed: ΔG0f(298.15) = ‐2929.7 kJ/mol.In Fe2O3‐SiO2‐H2O sols, the Fe : Si ratio of the non‐dialysable species varies smoothly from 11 to 3 as free silica in solution ranges from 4 to 35 μg/cm3. Such sols are much less colloidally stable than hydroxyaluminium silicate sols, but mixed Al2O3—Fe2O3—SiO2—H2O sols are almost as stable as iron‐free sols up to a Fe : Al ratio of 1.5. Thus migration of Al and Fe as mixed hydroxide sols can account for the almost constant ratio of Al to Fe with depth in oxalate extracts from Bs horizons of podzols.