The steady-state behavior of a continuous bioreactor containing antibiotic-resistant recombinant cells has been investigated. Only the plasmid-free cell is susceptible to and killed by antibiotics. A Monod form of specific death rate was found to simulate quite well the experimental death rates of various cells due to antibiotics. The stability characteristics, including bifurcation of the possible steady states, are examined. Appropriate numerical illustrations for the steady-state characteristics have been provided. Theoretically, two coexistence steady states (CO), three partial washout steady states (PW), and one total washout steady state (TW) are feasible, but only one CO, one PW, and one TW were realized. When antibiotic consumption is not extremely significant the CO can exist over one or two ranges of dilution rates depending upon the antibiotic concentration in the feed. The CO is globally stable. Whenever the PW and/or the TW exist(s) together with the CO they are unstable. Sensitivity analyses for several key kinetic parameters have been made. The rate at which the plasmid-bearing cells revert to the plasmid-free cells has the most significant effect on the antibiotic susceptibility of the system. Some simplified optimization calculations for maximum profit have been carried out.