Arthroscopic treatment of anterolateral impingement of the ankle

We studied 31 patients (17 females, 14 males; average age, 34) with more than 2 years of followup who had chronic anterolateral ankle pain following inversion in jury. All had failed to respond to at least 2 months of conservative treatment and had negative stress radio graphs to rule out instability. On physical examination, tenderness was localized to the anterolateral corner of the talar dome. Magnetic resonance imaging was the most useful diagnostic screening test, showing synovial thickening consistent with impingement in the antero lateral gutter. At an average of 24 months after injury, all patients underwent ankle arthroscopy, which showed proliferative synovitis and fibrotic scar tissue in the lateral gutter, often with associated chondromalacia of the talus. Operative arthroscopic treatment consisted of partial synovectomy with debridement of scar tissue from the lateral gutter. Postoperatively, patients walked with crutches allowing weightbearing as tolerated. Av erage return to sports was 6 weeks. Histopathologic analysis performed on the resected tissue showed syn ovial changes consistent with chronic inflammation. Results of treatment after at least 2 year followup were 15 excellent, 11 good, 4 fair, and 1 poor. Since there are several distinct causes of chronic ankle pain, we prefer to call this problem "anterolateral impingement of the ankle" and believe the term "chronic sprain pain" should be discarded.

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