Paired comparison of platelet concentrates prepared from platelet‐rich plasma and buffy coats using a new technique with111In and51Cr

Two techniques for the preparation of platelet concentrate (PC), the standard platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) and buffy coat (BC) methods, were compared in nine paired studies with regard to platelet harvest, white cell (WBC) contamination, and PC quality after 5 days of 22°C storage. Platelet harvest using the BC method averaged approximately 56 percent of the whole blood level (6.2 × 1010/concentrate), which was less than the 76 percent achieved with the PRP‐PC method (8.7 × 1010/concentrate). An additional 5 units collected into an experimental siphon bag for BC‐PC processing showed improved platelet harvest (6.7 × 1010/concentrate, or approx. 70% of whole blood). WBCs remaining in the BC‐PC averaged 0.19 × 108 per unit compared to 3.6 × 108 per unit for PRP‐PC. Buffy coat processing produced red cell (RBC) units with 50 percent of the WBC contamination of conventionally prepared units (9.8 ± 6.2 × 108/unit vs. 18.9 ± 7.1 × 108/unit). The siphon bag further reduced WBC levels in the AS‐3 RBC units (6.4 ± 3.7 × 108/unit). In vitro studies performed on Days 1 and 5 after collection showed no significant differences in platelet metabolic and biologic function or cell integrity. β‐thromboglobulin and surface glycoprotein levels, indicators of platelet activation and membrane alteration, respectively, did not differ significantly in the PRP‐PC and BC‐PC; nor was lactate production higher in PRP‐PC, despite the substantially higher WBC counts. Autologous in vivo platelet viability determinations were performed by using concurrent transfusion of 111In‐labeled freshly drawn platelets and 51Cr‐labeled stored platelets. Paired f test analysis of BC‐PC versus PRP‐PC indicated no significant differences in platelet recovery and survival after 5 days of 22°C storage in polyolefin containers. Therefore, these studies confirm the equivalence of PC quality, comparable platelet harvest with the siphon bag, and decreased WBC contamination with the BC method.