Single ring- or disk-enhancing computed tomographic lesion in Indian children and adolescents after first seizure.

Views about the indications of computed tomography (CT) for children and young adults with first seizure are conflicting. Holmes1recommended that CT should be done in all patients after first seizure, except for those with absence seizures or rolandic epilepsy who have normal results on neurological examination. Verity2recommends CT only if clinical findings suggest an underlying cause of seizures or if seizures are refractory. In addition, children with partial seizures should also be subjected to early scans.3A relatively early CT study of children with all types of seizures revealed an overall incidence of abnormalities in one third of the cases.4The most commonly detected abnormality is generalized or focal cortical atrophy.4Localized or generalized cerebral dysgenesis, porencephalic cysts, tumors, cerebral abscess, focal encephalitis, and vascular malformations can also be identified along with other abnormalities by the use of CT.5,6In the Indian