C12(p,pn)C11Cross Section at 7.6 GeV

The absolute cross section for the C12(p,pn)C11 reaction has been measured in an external beam of the Argonne zero gradient synchrotron at 8.5-GeV/c momentum (7.6-GeV protons). Proton fluxes were measured with a scintillation counter telescope, and the 20.4 min C11 activity induced in 18-in.-thick plastic scintillators was determined both by internal scintillation counting and by β+-annihilation radiation counting with a NaI(T1) well crystal. A correction for the formation of C11 by secondary particles was determined and a correction was made for the small π+ contamination of the proton beam. The C12(p,pn)C11 cross section at 7.6 GeV is 28.2 ± 0.6 mb.