Das Carotinoidspektrum der Antheren und Petalen von Lilium tigrinum cv. ‘Red Night’

Carotenoids from Anthers and Petals of Lilium tigrinum cv. ‘Red Night’Amongst the 29 carotenoids separated and characterized by modern methods the following are worth mentioning: (9′Z)‐, (9Z)‐, (13′Z)‐ und (13Z)‐capsanthins (20–23), the novel 6‐epikarpoxanthin (= (3S,5R,6S,3′R)‐5,6‐dihydro‐β,β‐carotene‐3,5,6,3′‐tetrol; 25), karpoxanthin (= (3S,5R,6R,3′R)‐5,6‐dihydro‐β,β‐carotene‐3,5,6,3′‐tetrol; 28), and lilixanthin (= (3S,4S,3′S,5′R)‐3,4,3′‐trihydroxy‐β,κ‐carotene‐6′‐one; 26). The main carotenoids from the petals, in comparison with those of the anthers, represent a more advanced metabolic state.