The articulatory kinematics of final lengthening

In order to understand better the phonetic control of final lengthening, the articulation of phrase‐final syllables was compared with that of two other contexts known to increase syllable duration: accent and slow tempo. The kinematics of jaw movements in [pap] sequences and of lower lip movements in [pE] sequences for four subjects were interpreted in terms of a task‐dynamic model. There was evidence of two different control strategies: decreasing intragestural stiffness to slow down some part of the syllable, and changing intergestural phasing to decrease overlap of the vowel gesture by the consonant. The first was used in slowing down tempo, whereas the second was used to increase the duration of accented syllables over unaccented syllables. Both strategies were implicated in phrase‐final lengthening. In accented syllables, final closing gestures generally were longer and slower, but not more displaced. The two slowest subjects, however, used the other strategy in their slow‐tempo final syllables. Final lengthening in reduced syllables was more difficult to interpret. The relationship between peak velocity and displacement suggested that a lesser stiffness is obscured by an increased gestural amplitude. Thus, by comparison to lengthening for accent, final lengthening is like a localized change in speaking tempo, although it cannot be equated directly with the specification of stiffness.

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