Analysis of cellular DNA distributions

In the fluorescent-flow cytophotometric measurement of cellular DNA content the DNA distributions usually have two peaks. The second peak, which corresponds to the 4C DNA content of G2 and M cells, is often positioned at lower values of DNA content than twice that of the 2C DNA peak which contains G1 cells. Computerized numerical analyses were performed on artificial DNA distributions in which the proportion of S-phase cells was varied. It was demonstrated that the contribution of late S-phase cells to the 4C DNA peak in the histogram shifts the second peak to a position below twice the 2C DNA value. Also, increasing the coefficient of variation of the DNA measurement shifts the second peak position to lower values. A group of 33 DNA distribution histograms was found to have an average G2/G1 peak position ratio of 1.90, in keeping with typical values obtained from the numerical analysis of the artificial populations.