Computer simulation of electron scavenging in multipair spurs in dielectric liquids

A Monte Carlo simulation was applied to model the electron scavenging processes in radiation‐induced spurs in low‐mobility liquid hydrocarbons. The scavenging probabilities were calculated for spurs containing from one to ten electron‐cation pairs, for different initial cation–cation and cation–anion distances, in a range of the scavenger concentration from 10−4 mol/dm3 to 10−1 mol/dm3. It was found that the scavenging probability decreases as the number of pairs in the spur grows. For two‐pair spurs the scavenging probability is lower by about 20%–30% as compared with the single‐pair value, for small cation–cation distances, for five‐ and ten‐pair spurs, a decrease of about 50%–60% and 60%–70%, respectively, is found. The Laplace transform technique, which converts the recombination kinetics in the absence of scavenger into the scavenging probability, is found to work reasonably well also in the multipair case. A simplified model of the fast electron track is applied to calculate the track‐averaged values of the scavenging probability.