Studies in Caryophyllales I: Re-evaluation of Classification of Phytolaccaceae s.1.

Lack of agreement has characterized delimitation of Phytolaccaceae s.l. over the past several decades. The inclusion or exclusion of Achatocarpus and Phaulothamnus, Agdestis, Stegnosperma, and Barbeuia, often referred to as anomalous genera in Phytolaccaceae s.l., has been the reason for disagreement in the classification of Phytolaccaceae. Chromosome and distributional data for the genera of Phytolaccaceae s.l. indicate that the family is polyphyletic. We used the Wagner Network and cluster analysis algorithms and concluded that Phytolaccaceae should be reclassified into Phytolacceae s.str. (Anisomeria, Ercilla, Gisekia, and Phytolacca), Petiveriaceae (Gallesia, Hilleria, Ledenbergia, Lophiocarpus, Microtea, Monococcus, Petiveria, Rivina, Schindleria, Seguieria, and Trichostigma), Achatocarpaceae (Achatocarpus and Phaulothamnus), and three unigeneric families (Agdestidaceae, Barbeuiaceae, and Stegnospermaceae). Microtea, Lophiocarpus, and Monococcus are tentatively placed in Petiveriaceae in this treatment. Further data would help clarify their true affinities within Centrospermae.