Using the immunoperoxidase technique, an attempt has been made to accurately characterize immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing cells in 185 cases of human malignant lymphoma. By applying a variety of antisera Ig synthesizing cells can be distinguished from cells taking up Ig from the environment. The use of thin (1 mu) paraffin sections has permitted detailed comparison to be made between Ig synthesizing cells of follicle center cell lymphomas and those of reactive follicle centers in human tonsils. Using cell pellets, similar comparison has been made with peripheral blood lymphocytes synthesizing Ig following stimulation with pokeweed mitogen. In follicle center cell lymphomas Ig synthesis is a function of cleaved and noncleaved follicle center cells, not plasma cells, and these cells are strikingly similar to Ig synthesizing cells normally present in nonneoplastic reactive follicle centers and the cells that synthesize Ig following pokeweed stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes. these results suggest pathways of B-cell maturation different from those commonly proposed and help to clarify certain inconsistencies in the classification of malignant lymphomas.