Evolution of bias in different cosmological models

We study the evolution of the halo-halo correlation function and bias in four cosmological models (LCDM, OCDM, tauCDM, and SCDM) using very high-resolution N-body simulations. The high force and mass resolution allows dark matter (DM) halos to survive in the tidal fields of high-density regions and thus prevents the ambiguities related with the ``overmerging problem.'' This allows us to estimate for the first time the evolution of the correlation function and bias at small (down to ~100/h kpc) scales. We find that at all epochs the 2-point correlation function of galaxy-size halos xi_hh is well approximated by a power-law with slope ~1.6-1.8. The difference between the shape of xi_hh and the shape of the correlation function of matter results in the scale-dependent bias at scales <7/h Mpc, which we find to be a generic prediction of the hierarchical models. The bias evolves rapidly from a high value of ~2-5 at z~3-7 to the anti-bias of b~0.5-1 at small <5/h Mpc scales at z=0. We find that our results agree well with existing clustering data at different redshifts. Particularly, we find an excellent agreement in both slope and the amplitude between xi_hh(z=0) in our LCDM simulation and the galaxy correlation function measured using the APM galaxy survey. At high redshifts, the observed clustering of the Lyman-break galaxies is also well reproduced by the models. The agreement with the data at high and low z indicates the general success of the hierarchical models of structure formation in which galaxies form inside the host DM halos. (Abridged)