Localization of the rat myosin I molecules myr 1 and myr 2 and in vivo targeting of their tail domains

Myr 1 is a widely distributed mammalian myosin I molecule related to brush border myosin I. A second widely distributed myosin I molecule similar to myr 1 and brush border myosin I, called myr 2, has now been identified. Specific antibodies and expression of epitope-tagged molecules were used to determine the subcellular localization of myr 1 and myr 2 in NRK cells. Myr 1 was detected at the plasma membrane and was particularly enriched in cell protrusions like lamellipodia, membrane ruffles and filopodia. In dividing cells myr 1 localized to the cleavage furrow. Myr 2 was localized in a discrete punctate pattern in resting cells and in cells undergoing cytokinesis. In sub-cellular fractionation experiments myr 1 and myr 2 were both partly soluble and partly associated with smooth membranes of medium density. The tail domains of myosin I molecules have been proposed to interact with a receptor and thereby determine the subcellular localization. To test this hypothesis we expressed the tail domains of myr 1 and myr 2 that lack the F-actin-binding myosin head domain in NRK cells. These tail domains also partly copurified with smooth membranes of medium density and immunolocalized similar to the respective endogenous myosin I; however, they exhibited a lower affinity for membranes and an increased diffuse cytosolic localization. These results suggest that the tail domains of myr 1 and myr 2 are suf-ficient for subcellular targeting but that their head domains also contribute significantly to maintaining a proper sub-cellular localization.