Optical bistability and cooperative effects in resonance fluorescence

We discuss a mean-field quantum-mechanical model which describes the dynamics of a homogeneously broadened system of two-level atoms contained in a pencil-shaped resonant cavity and driven by a coherent resonant field EI. The model is treated in the semiclassical approximation. The model is justified on the basis of Maxwell-Bloch equations with two coherently coupled directions of propagation, with boundary conditions for the fields taken into account. Above a suitable critical density of atoms the system exhibits a bistable behavior including both the stationary situation and the transient, both the light transmitted in the forward direction and the fluorescent light. Bistability is shown to be a consequence of atomic cooperation. We give a simple description of optical bistability leading to new predictions for the transient behavior of the transmitted light and for the spectrum of the fluorescent light. The damping constant which characterizes the rate of appraoch to the stationary situation exhibits a hysteresis cycle. In the low-transmission regime the approach is monotonic, whereas in the highly transmitting situation the approach is oscillatory. One finds a critical slowing down in correspondence with the values EI(+), EI() of the incident field where the transmitted field (as well as the total fluorescence intensity, the rate of approach to the stationary state, etc.) changes discontinuously. On the basis of the regression hypothesis we give a qualitative description of the spectrum of the fluorescent light. This is shown to undergo hysteresis and discontinuous changes at the same values EI(+), EI() of the incident field. Below the critical density of atoms one recovers the usual picture of resonance fluorescence, with a continuous transition from a single-line spectrum to a three-peaked structure when the Rabi frequency becomes equal to the natural linewidth. Above the critical density the triplet appears only when the Rabi frequency becomes equal to the cooperative linewidth of pure super-fluorescence (i.e., for EI=EI(+)). Moreover, it appears discontinuously: when EI crosses the value EI(+) the spectrum changes from a single narrow line to a triplet with well-separated sidebands.