We constructed a molecular phylogeny of 15 species of cuckoos using mitochondrial DNA sequences spanning 553 nucleotide bases of the cytochrome b gene and 298 nucleotide bases of the ND2 gene. A parallel analysis for the cytochrome b gene including published sequences in the Genbank database was performed. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences were done using parsimony, a sequence distance method (Fitch-Margoliash), and a character-state method which uses probabilities (maximum likelihood). Phenograms support the monophyly of three major clades: Cuculinae, Phaenicophaeinae and Neomorphinae-Crotophaginae. Clamator, a strictly parasitic genus traditionally included within the Cuculinae, groups together with Coccyzus (a nonobligate parasite) and some nesting cuckoos. Tapera and Dromococcyx, the parasitic cuckoos from the New World, appear as sister genera, close to New World cuckoos: Neomorphinae and Crotophaginae. Based on the results, and being conscious that a more strict resolution of the relationships among the three major clades is required, we postulate that brood parasitism has a polyphyletic origin in the Cuculiformes, with parasite species being found within the three defined clades. Evidence suggests that species within each clade share a common parasitic ancestor, but some show partial or total loss of brood parasitic behaviour.