Theory of resonance fluorescence in a fluctuating laser field

A method of calculation of multiple-time correlation functions of the resonance fluorescence light from a two-level atom driven by a realistic laser field with phase and amplitude fluctuations is developed. Both kinds of fluctuations are assumed to be Gaussian. The phase fluctuations are treated in the phase-diffusion model. The averaging over the amplitude fluctuations can be performed in a closed way when the relative mean-square amplitude fluctuation is small compared with the ratio of the amplitude correlation decay rate to the characteristic atomic relaxation rate. There is no restriction to Markovian amplitude fluctuations. Arbitrary values for the mean Rabi frequency are allowed. Results are presented for the intensity, the intensity correlation function, and the spectrum of the fluorescent light. It is shown that even in the case when the relative strength of the amplitude fluctuations is small, significant effects can occur due to the finite correlation length of the fluctuations. The results for fast amplitude correlation decay correspond to the situation without amplitude fluctuations. When the correlation time of the amplitude fluctuations becomes comparable with the atomic relaxation times, the Rabi oscillations of the intensity and the intensity correlation function are nearly washed out, and non-Lorentzian line shapes for the side peaks in the spectrum are observed. It is found that the ratio of the heights of the central peak to the side peak increases with increasing correlation time.