Pyocyanine and Phosphorylation with Chloroplasts.

A simple apparatus is described for the simultaneous illumination of a number of reaction mixtures. Chloroplasts from Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris) were used. A number of reagents with oxidation reduction potentials ranging from +0.245 to -0.455 volt, were found to increase phosphorylation in light at a concentration of 10-5 [image]. It was suggested that the reagent is continually being reduced and reoxidized in light thus catalyzing the H-transpprt, necessary for the phosphorylation reaction, in the chloroplast preparation. Phenazine methosulphate and pyocyanine were found to give the greatest increase in rate and it was concluded that the activity shown by phenazine methosulphate was due to its rapid conversion to pyocyanine in light.