Observers with four different levels of radiological experience performed a recognition memory task on slides of faces and chest X-ray films. Half of the X-ray films revealed clinically significant abnormalities and half did not. Recognition memory for faces was uniformly high across all levels of radiological experience. Memory for abnormal X-ray films increased with radiological experience and, for the most experienced radiologists, was equivalent to memory for faces. Surprisingly, recognition memory for normal films actually decreased with radiological experience from above chance to a chance level. These results indicate that radiological expertise is associated with selective processing of clinically relevant abnormalities in X-ray images. Expert radiologists appear to process X-ray images the way that we all process faces, by quickly detecting and devoting processing resources to features that distinguish one stimulus from another. However, the selective processing of X-ray films appears to be restricted to clinically relevant abnormalities. As they develop the ability to detect these abnormalities, radiologists appear to lose the ability to detect variations in normal features.