Quantitative Determination of Resin Loading in Solid-Phase Organic Synthesis Using 13C MAS NMR

The use of quantitative carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((13)C NMR) for the determination of resin loadings has been investigated. Magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra have been obtained for solvent-swollen resins on a conventional 7 mm CP/MAS probe using the two pulse phase modulation (TPPM) proton decoupling sequence. Loadings of resin-bound organic compounds were evaluated via addition of tetrakis(trimethylsilyl)silane as reference or using the carbon resonances of the polymeric resin material as an internal standard. Results for several functionalized Wang and trityl resins are consistent with those obtained using well-established analytical methods. The (13)C NMR method has interesting applications in the field of solid-phase organic synthesis (SPOS), since no functional group acting as a support for the attachment of a quantifiable chromophore must be available in the material of interest.