Scheduling for broadcast operation in heterogeneous parallel computing environments

Parallel computing utilizes heterogeneous parallel computing environments in which multiple processors of various kinds are connected by communication links. Efficient collective communication operations are needed to realize efficient parallel computing in parallel computing environments. Although methods for realizing efficient collective communication operations have previously been proposed for homogeneous parallel computing environments, these methods applied as they are to heterogeneous parallel computing environments cannot realize efficient collective communication operations. In this paper, we consider design of an efficient broadcast, which is one of the most important collective communication operations. We show that we can extend the known sufficient condition for Fastest‐Node‐First (FNF) to output an optimal schedule, where FNF is an efficient heuristic algorithm for the broadcast. We show that we can reduce the time cost of the branch‐and‐bound search for the optimal schedule. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Comp Jpn, 35(5): 44–54, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/scj.10533

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