Coulomb Interaction in Semiconductor Lasers

Recent evidence suggests that the excitation density in semiconductor lasers exceeds the realm where exciton-based descriptions of the optical-gain process are valid. A treatment is presented based on the random-phase approximation from electron-gas theory in which the effects of the long-wavelength components of the Coulomb potential are included. In addition to the usual exchange term, a term derivable from electron-plasmon coupling modifies the electron self-energy (and gives an apparent "band-gap shift") in the range of density parameter 1rs5 which appears to characterize semiconductor lasers. Agreement of prediction with experimental wavelength shifts for stimulated emission in an external magnetic field for GaAs and CdSnP2 is excellent. The average electron self-energy shift from the long-wavelength part of the Coulomb interaction may be simply interpreted as arising from the plasma zero-point energy.