Experimental Salmonellosis VIII. Postinfective Immunity and Its Significance for Conferring Cellular Immunity

In the process of live-vaccine immunization of Salmonella enteritidis infection in mice, the relation between the number of bacteria in the organs of mice and their protecting effect was studied. Treatment with antibiotics was used to control the number of immunizing bacteria in the tissues. Mice, which were infected with 10 −5 mg (1,000 mouse MLD) of virulent S. enteritidis and treated with kanamycin simultaneously, acquired high antilethal resistance against infection with the same organisms. However, the administration of large amounts of kanamycin, which caused a rapid decrease in bacterial numbers in the organs of infected mice, was incapable of conferring immunity. This indicated the necessity of persistence of live bacteria in the host for the production of immunity. A large number of microorganisms were maintained for 53 weeks in a diffusion chamber inserted into the mouse abdominal cavity. The mice implanted with diffusion chambers containing large numbers of virulent S. enteritidis did not acquire antilethal resistance against infection with the same organisms, although agglutinins against S. enteritidis were observed in these mice. Agglutinin was also found in the fluid contained in diffusion chambers inserted into mice immunized with a killed vaccine of S. enteritidis . This indicated that antibody penetrated the membrane filter of diffusion chambers from outside to inside and vice versa. From these results, it is suggested that contact of live microorganisms with the host cell is necessary for conferring postinfective immunity in salmonellosis.