The reaction times (RTs) of 12 subjects were recorded in a design where a visual or auditory warning signal preceded an auditory RT signal by one of four short foreperiods 500, 750, 1000 or 1250 ms long, which occured in a random sequence. For the 16 trials at each foreperiod, with each modality of warning signal, the average of the 2-s long EEG samples following the warning signal was computed so that the record showed the scalp recorded (vertex–-left mastoid) evoked potentials (EPs) to both warning and RT signals, and also the contingent negative variation or expectancy wave occurring during the foreperiod. Differences between RTs with different foreperiods were not reflected in negatively correlated differences in the amplitude of the RT signal EPs, taking the major positive going deflection between peaks N1 and P2 at mean latencies of 126 and 231 msec after the RT signal. Furthermore RT signal EPs preceded by a warning signal were highly attenuated in amplitude relative to control EPs which were not preceded by a warning signal, whether or not an RT response was required. This was despite the fact that alerted RTs were slightly faster than non-alerted RTs, so that these findings contradict previous findings associating augmented EPs with responding versus not responding and with speeded RTs. However, it was also found that RT signal EP amplitudes were greater with the more effective modality of warning signal than the less effective, which was consistent with previous findings. The divergence from previous findings when comparing EPs preceded by a warning with those having no prior warning is tentatively accounted for in terms of persisting physiological refractoriness following the warning signal EP.

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