Solute-excluded volumes near the Novikoff cell surface

A differential centrifugation technique, in which all extracellular water except that intimately associated with the cell (pericellular domain) is removed, has been applied to isolated Novikoff hepatoma cells. The pericellular volumes accessible to albumin, inulin, raffinose, and sucrose were inversely related to the molecular weights of the test solutes. This phenomenon was not detectable in erythrocytes or in fat cells. Selective removal of cell surface components by enzymatic treatment produced proportional changes in the relative volumes of distribution accessible to the solutes. This discrimination in the volume accessible to each of the solutes is analogous to that obtained in gel chromatographic separation and represents, in effect, excluded volumes which are inversely related to solute size. This exclusion is associated with components of the Novikoff cell surface, including the surface coat and the microvilli that cover the Novikoff cell. These structures provide an additional level of discrimination for the Novikoff cell not seen in certain other cell types.