Directional and stabilizing selection for developmental time (DT) were done for seven generations in replicated lines of Tribolium castaneum. There were no significant differences between sexes or among replicates in means or coefficients of variation. For directional selection, there were significant responses in both directions, measured as deviation from control, viz. -0.35±0.15 day per generation for Fast (F) and 0.73±0.15 day for Slow (S). The unselected control (C) and the stabilizing selection (I) lines were similar, with average response per generation not significantly different from zero. — Phenotypic variation, from the first generation, was larger in the S line than in the other three lines. The I line showed a significant decrease in phenotypic variation, due mainly to a decrease in genetic variance. The realized heritability was 0.219±0.045 for F and 0.324±0.036 for S, the difference being highly significant. — Correlated response in reproductive fitness (number of pupae produced) was significant only for S (rp=-0.88 and r‘G realized’=-0.79). Regression of the correlated response on DT in this line was-19.28±4.77 pupae per day (phenotypic) and -28.77±10.06 pupae per day (genetic).